Health Care Reform Dashboard

Health Care Reform Dashboard

Charting Developments with the
Affordable Care Act and Beyond

Denise M. Keyser

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COVID-19 Vaccination Incentives: Restrictions that Come with Rewards

Posted in COVID-19, Employer Mandate/Shared Responsibility (Pay or Play), Employer Responsibilities, Plan Design Requirements, Wellness Programs
Summary A set of Frequently Asked Questions addresses several issues of vital interest to employers in assessing the connection between COVID-19 vaccinations and their health plans. The Upshot The FAQs confirm that the preventive care rules under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) require health plans to cover the full cost of vaccinations that have received an emergency [&hellip… Continue Reading »

NJ Grants Health Care Professionals and Facilities Immunity in Treating COVID-19 Patients

Posted in COVID-19
Tuesday evening, April 14, 2020, New Jersey Governor Murphy signed into law Bill No. S2333, which provides health care professionals, facilities, and systems civil immunity for care given to those affected by COVID-19. The new law additionally authorizes the Director of Consumer Affairs to issue orders temporarily suspending professional and occupational licensing registration requirements. The [&hellip… Continue Reading »

OSHA Issues Interim Final Rule on Whistleblower Protections under the Affordable Care Act

Posted in Enforcement
As the 2014 implementation date for the most controversial provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) draws closer, most businesses are focused on ensuring that their group health plans meet the ACA’s requirements. But there are other aspects of the law that employers must keep in mind as health care reform takes effect, including little-publicized [&hellip… Continue Reading »