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Under the laws of some jurisdictions, this Dashboard/Website may be considered attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
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Use of Information; No Attorney-Client Relationship
This Dashboard/Website was created for general informational/educational purposes only. The information on it is not privileged and does not create an attorney-client relationship with Ballard Spahr LLP or any of the firm’s attorneys. Nor is the Dashboard/Website an offer to represent you. Its information should not be construed as legal advice or legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. You should not act or refrain from acting based upon any of the information on this site and are urged to consult a licensed attorney for legal advice on your specific situation.
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There are links on our Dashboard/Website that we create to provide easy access to third-party Dashboards/Websites or that will allow you to access Health Care Reform Dashboard from third-party Dashboards/Websites. Ballard Spahr does not control linked third-party Dashboards/Websites and is not responsible for the content or links in such Dashboards/Websites.
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The views expressed on Health Care Reform Dashboard by various Ballard Spahr attorneys and guests do not necessarily represent the views of Ballard Spahr LLP or the firm’s clients.
Please direct any questions pertaining to these terms and conditions to:
Attention: Health Care Reform Dashboard
Ballard Spahr LLP
1735 Market Street, 51st Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103-7599
Effective Date: January 3, 2013